
‘Walkabouts’ give parish council representatives a formal opportunity to identify routine work to be carried out by the village taskforce team within the built-up part of villages i.e. between village nameplates, and are held biennially.  Items of work identified on the walkabout, which fall within the scope of work the teams can do, will be carried out according to priority during their regular visits and will be completed by the end of the grass cutting season.  The basic tasks which can be undertaken by the village taskforce teams include: minor pothole repairs, street asset painting, sign repair and washing, and the cutting back of overgrown vegetation.

As in previous years any issues raised by the parish council on the walkabout which are outside the scope of what the taskforce team can deal with will be noted and referred to the relevant section for their consideration.   It has to be appreciated though that, due to the present financial constraints, these can only be addressed on a priority basis and no guarantee can be given that work will be undertaken.


2017 - Village Taskforce Schedule

2017 - Schedule of Issues Outside Remit of Taskforce